Welcome to my Parlour ...

Parlour -
A reception room in a private residence.

In this case, the private residence would be the recesses of my mind ...
which can be, at once, a wondrous and a terrifying place to be.
A place of confusion and fear, doubt and despair as I daily tackle the mental health challenges which are my birthright and curse.
But also a place of glorious imagination and profound Faith borne from the wellspring of my lifelong spiritual quest for understanding and self-mastery and the power, subtle and real, this Path has granted me.

This Parlour, then, would be that little space where the outside world may meet MY reality.

Truly, there's no telling what one may find posted here.
Ultimately this space is for myself, although others are welcome to stay a while provided they don't mind the spider.

~ Go dtugtar breith orainn dá réir ár ngníomhartha. ~
(Let us, by our actions, be judged)

Saturday, 24 November 2018

Baby steps ...

Is starting to see more of 'her' Darius showing through ... the cuddly, bubbly, happy, helpful boy she knows is in him ... and a gradual, almost glacial, lessening of the anxious, angry, rage filled mini-monster who invaded her home back in September. 

Progress is being made and, interestingly, FB Memories is helping me understand and appreciate how incremental Amaya's improvements were when she came to us. It's helping me remember how far she has come and how much work it was to get her to a point where she could figure out for herself that life was better when the home was calm and tempers (hers and that of others) were controlled. 

It's encouraging and I need that. 

I don't know if it is because him being a boy is dredging up garbage I haven't dealt with from when my boys were little (Gods know that is likely enough) or if it's because I'm that much older than I was with Amaya but this time the work is hard. I'm spending a great deal of time counting ... often with my eyes squeezed tight shut to increase my focus ... to 10 before responding to Darius' antics. 

The strength of my reactions is eye opening and, as such, puts me on notice that I really have to watch and moderate them if I want to achieve my goal of bringing the best of the boy out in him. The key is to sensitized him to a gentle response to his actions ... He is so used to the loud, aggressive, over the top reactions of an abusive household that he can't yet respond to a subtle correction. And Amaya going back and forth from protective little-mama to aggravated or nagging big sister ups the challenge level significantly. 

Well, no one's ever claimed personal growth and self-mastery was easy, eh?

Darius too will get there ... 

Monday, 19 November 2018

Navigating the slackline ... Depression management

So, some folks might have noticed I haven't been around social media much the last two weeks.

In response to losing M'Lady, things got pretty bad inside my head so I conferred with my Dr and he agreed that a lateral move on my antidepressant was warranted.

I've been switched to Zoloft from Cypralex and, while the Z helped me avoid the worst of the C withdrawal symptoms (blood pressure irregularityes that can be life threatening in a sudden discontinuation), it's not been a pleasant time to be me (or around me ... Kara is a saint!).

The Z is finally getting up to full loading dose and I'm starting to notice the difference. I feel like crap from the flu bug but emotionally/mentally I'm experiencing a sense of stability and lightening of mood that I didn't get with the C.

I think a lot of that has to do with the actual formulaic differences between the two prescriptions. The Cypralex (or escitalopram as the generic version is called) is taken in the morning upon waking while the Zoloft is taken right before bed and actually acts to encourage restful sleep as part of it's target actions. This seems to be doing the trick in my case ... I can say that I haven't slept this well in a long time and, using the Z in conjunction with my 4:1 ratio CBD/THC night time tincture, I have been waking rested for the first time in a VERY long time. Comparing the Z's drowsy action to the Zopiclone (actual sleeping pill) that I have had to take for short periods over the years, I don't experience any of the nightmares I normally get with the Zo AND, should I have a bad dream, I'm not locked into sleep so I can wake myself up to escape the experience. Looking forward to kicking this bug out of the house so I can see if I'm really experiencing an upturn in my mood. Cautiously optimistic at this time. :D